Your needs:
Existing lines re-designing/improvement
Your manufacturing lines are ageing, you have already implemented the classical optimisation techniques (5S,TPM, Lean…) without achieving significant results. You want to increase your efficiency margins and integrate a real optimisation approach of your manufacturing lines on the long term by making the bridge between the upstream (product design) and the downstream (distribution/logistics).
The gain in efficiency must not be at the expense of work conditions. The lines optimisation should also be an improvement in the quality of work (ergonomy, decrease in work accidents).
New lines creation
You want to create a new optimal online at conception with an organization flow optimized, reduced footprint, minimal operations, taking into account all the additional settings that can be disadvantageous: installation, changeovers, cleaning and maintenance...
Your answer
The APTE method has developed a set of specific methodologic tools for the optimisation of industrial process.
The strength of the APTE method is to analyse your process in a systemic manner, including the product design, the logistics and the organisation. Analysing a line optimisation could lead for instance to question the design of some parts or subsets of a product or a transportation mode, or a packaging…
With its specific functional and value analyses methods, APTEÒ will support you in thinking out your industrial process.
Our results:
Gains are highly significant and deal with :
- Flow simplification
- Decrease in operating costs: energy, staff expenses, consumable
- Decrease in non quality items, rejects and offcuts
- Maximising the value of waste, rejects, residual offcuts
- Increasing the capacity of your manufacturing sites
- Standardising your practices
- Decrease in the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms
- Implementing a permanent dialogue between upstream and downstream teams in order to maximise value for the company.
The APTE® method in practice: continuous improvement of your industrial process
The approach is based on a multidisciplinary working group. It consists of various steps:
- The writing of the process specifications:
The functional analysis allows to switch from a description of operations (that are only solutions) to a logic of successive process states (results of operations that are real process functions).
- The diagnosis of the current solution.
The goal is to define very quickly:
- The so-called « stable states » that bring value and match the process functions
- The so-called « transient states » without any added value
- Finding out the optimal solution
Once final vs. initial states as well as stable (value added state) vs. transient states (non value added states) are identified, you can define optimisation leads that can deal with:
- Elimination of a maximum of transient states with no value added
- Optimisation of the acquisition of remaining stable and transient states after the first step of optimisation (a same state can be obtained by consuming less energy, less workforce, or less consumable, less stock, etc.)
- Questioning of the initial states (are the subsets, parts or raw material triggering an over-consumption of workforce, fixed assets, energy…) or the final states (design of product or the packaging can be change in odrer to simplify the the process).