Yours Needs
In a growth phase :
- Improve the visible quality by clients (impact on satisfaction).
- Optimise work conditions: discharge some employees and improve work conditions
- Rely on an important project (such as a merge, or the implementation of a new information system) to question the organisation and think out new operating modes.
- Structure the organisation in a fast-growing phase.
Our answer
The study of organisations is complex and sensitive:
- The organisations are unstable and proteans (they vary under many parameters).
- Dealing with human activities, it often triggers sensitive reactions such as resistance to change, susceptibility.
- Analysis data are intangible, hardly observable and quantifiable (often based on declarative statements).
In this context, do better with less means to:
- Make the staff conscious of the importance of focusing on activities with added value perceived by customers.
- Help them in gaining efficience in their activities by differentiating what is useful from what is useless.
- Involve them: make them be the actors of the change by promoting new solutions that they will have defined themselves.
Ours results
Cultural products distribution company
- Reorganisation of the salesforce (new sectorisation, portfolio balance, good practices implementation) triggering an increase of the commercial performance.
- Simplification of the management process of unsold products with immediate effects on quality and delays.
- 50% time saving of the after sales department staff time that was re-allocated to the improvement of the quality and delay of answers to customer requests.
Industrial company:
- Significant decrease of 20% staff expenses of support functions with no impact on the provided services.
Insurance company, bank:
- Activity transfer from the headquarter to the salesforce (closer to customers).
- Decrease in administrative tasks of the salesforce to increase their actual commercial time